Donation Appeal

Our Students Need Your Help

  • 6/20/2017 - 9/17/2017
  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 80,625
40% Complete
Target : MYR 200,000

Fundraisers ( 17 Results )

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

The children at IDEAS Academy are empowered by the education they receive and deserve to keep it so they can grow up with opportunities to realise their dreams like the rest of us. Education can resolve the social plight of millions of refugees worldwide as it allows them to integrate into new societies and helps them navigate the often unfamiliar terrains of countries where they reside. Learning centres like IDEAS Academy are working to protect an entire generation of refugees from being lost to senseless marginalisation and conflict. The horrors of war have done little to whittle down the astounding resilience and thirst for knowledge possessed by these children—the least we can do is use our privilege to lead them onto brighter futures. Whilst IDEAS Academy may be in danger of closing because of low funding, I am filled with the hope that collective action and humanity will rise to see the academy through this difficult time. Please exercise your capacity to rebuild a life with a small donation—livelihoods are depending on it.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 22,422

Target : MYR 20,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Here at IDEAS Academy, refugees and stateless children are one step closer towards reaching their full potential. However, the academy relies solely on the generosity of our donors. Without the charitable assistance we wouldn't be able to provide the children with the education that they currently have today! BUT we still need your help! Click the 'Donate Now' button to contribute to this cause. Every donation counts, no matter how small. Be a part of these childrens' journey towards a brighter future. Help IDEAS Academy make a difference.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,500

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy


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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 8,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

In Kuala Lumpur, leeft de grootste groep 'stadsvluchtelingen' ter wereld. In totaal staan er 160.000 vluchtelingen geregistreerd bij de UNHCR, daarvan zijn 37,000 kinderen waarvan slechts 29% naar school gaat. De nood voor goede scholen is hoog, gaan de kinderen niet naar school dan werken ze vanaf jonge leeftijd illegaal in restaurants of komen in aanraking met criminaliteit. De vluchtelingen in Maleisië komen voornamelijk uit Myanmar maar ook uit Syrië, Afghanistan, Pakistan en Irak. Vluchtelingen worden niet erkend in Maleisie waardoor kinderen niet naar openbare Maleise scholen kunnen. In 2014 opende IDEAS Academy haar deuren voor de eerste groep van 24 studenten in een klaslokaal in Help Academy in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Inmiddels is er veel veranderd. De school betrekt nu 4 verdiepingen in een shoplot in Fraser Business Park. Er zijn 9 klaslokalen, een IT lokaal, bibliotheek en kantine. Er zijn 4 fulltime en 2 parttime docenten die ook administratief werk verrichten. Vorig jaar won de Academy de ‘Excellence Award’ van de UNHCR als beste vluchtelingenschool van Maleisië. Een hele eer voor het harde werken van de docenten.  Hoewel de school er staat kost het een hoop geld om de school draaiende te houden. En op dit moment heeft de school het financieel lastig. Er is 50,000 dollar nodig om tot het einde van het jaar open te blijven. De kosten zijn hoog omdat de school er bewust voor heeft gekozen om het Cambridge curriculum te volgen waardoor er gewerkt wordt met gekwalificeerde docenten en niet alleen vrijwilligers. Maar deze ervaren docenten zijn nodig omdat vluchtelingenkinderen vaak getraumatiseerd zijn en ook jaren lang geen onderwijs hebben gehad. Het Cambridge curriculum wordt internationaal erkend en zodoende kunnen de studenten ook elders verder studeren als UNHCR ze overplaatst naar een ander land waar vluchtelingen wel erkend worden en een toekomst kunnnen opbouwen.  Volgend jaar zit de eerste groep van 25 leerlingen voor het Cambridge examen. Dit is een mijlpaal want er heeft nooit eerder een groep vluchtelingen dit examen gemaakt. Ik hoop dat velen hen zullen volgen en hun dromen kunnen waar maken, uiteindelijk naar de Universiteit of ander vervolgonderwijs gaan en zo van een mooie toekomst kunnen genieten. Namens alle studenten, alvast hartelijk dank voor je gulle bijdragen! ❤  

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Raised So Far : MYR 886

Target : MYR 2,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

My name is Sopiah. I am the General Manager of IDEAS Academy. As an educationist with over 20 years of experience I have had the privilege of working in a whole range of institutions from professional bodies to kindergartens. I joined IDEAS Academy because I believe deeply in the work that we do at the Academy.I come from a modest background. There was no way my parents could have afforded the education I received abroad. This was only possible through scholarships and financial aid. I have greatly benefited from being well educated in terms of my career, self confidence and appreciation of life. I want the same for others, which is why I am here.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 2,927

Target : MYR 6,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy


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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Lieve vrienden, collega's en familie! Een goede vriendin van me woont in Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië. Zij is vanuit haar werk bezig met een fundraiser. Dit mooie initiatief zorgt ervoor dat de vele kinderen die daar als vluchteling of als stateloze verblijven ook verzekerd kunnen zijn van onderwijs. En dat is echt hard nodig om daar een toekomst op te kunnen bouwen. Om dit mogelijk te maken wil ik jullie heel lief vragen een (kleine) donatie te doen. Zelfs met een klein bedrag van 2, 5, 10 euro kan je al een bijdrage leveren aan een betere toekomst van deze kinderen en dat zou echt fantastisch zijn <3   

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Raised So Far : MYR 276

Target : MYR 1,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Naast de stad leren kennen, ben ik nu ook begonnen aan mijn ontdekkingstocht naar mooie initiatieven waar ik hier in Kuala Lumpur mogelijk iets aan kan bijdragen. En die ontdekkingstocht kon niet beter beginnen, want woensdag was ik uitgenodigd voor een heel bijzonder optreden: de musical The Lion King @Ideas Academy. Al meteen aan het begin van de musical toen de leerlingen 'The circle of life' begonnen te zingen, was ik ontroerd!Op Ideas Acadamy zitten vluchtelingkinderen, met name uit Myanmar, die anders niet naar school mogen gaan in Maleisië. De school heeft hard hulp nodig, zodat ze deze kinderen les kunnen blijven geven. Daarom deel ik dit graag met jullie. Een bijdrage zou geweldig zijn!   

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,541

Target : MYR 4,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

"We started to go to Malaysia but it was difficult. After long time we made it to Kawthuang. We crossed the sea in a small boat. There were 15 of us all crammed into a small area on top under a big plastic sheet to hide us. It was hard to breathe and it hurt a lot. The next morning we arrived at Ranong. That afternoon we had to climb a mountain. Everybody is very tired and hungry. Many of us our feet are bleeding. Mine were very painful. The next morning we had to cross a river with no boat. In the evening we climbed another mountain. That day we did not eat and we did not sleep. The next day we arrived in Malaysia."This is a story of a girl that was forced to leave her country at an age of 6, she is now 12 years old. She finally can go to school now and learns for how to read and write. This is something that we already learn in Europe at an age of 6! Due to the law, refugees are not allowed at public schools like here in the Netherlands and are not being recognised. Families have to live with 12 people in one room and have to pay rent and eat with 50 euros or less a month. IDEAS Academy is a learning centre for marginalised and vulnerable children based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Most of the students are refugees and stateless persons. It is one of a small number of schools in Malaysia which provides secondary school level education for refugee children. Besides education, IDEAS Academy also gives them a safe area, where they can be themselves and play. Outside the children are not safe and have the possibility to get arrested by the police. This organisation is really more than just a school, so please help these children to give them education and a safe place to be.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 744

Target : MYR 1,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Education is one of the most valuable assets a refugee can have. IDEAS Academy aims to provide holistic education to refugees in hopes of equipping them with the tools necessary for a better and brighter future. Beyond education, IDEAS Academy is also a safe space for the children to build friendships, socialise and to feel a sense of belonging.Unfortunately, IDEAS Academy is running dangerously low on funds and may have to close down in a few months. Help us save our school. Help our refugee children reclaim their future. Click on the 'Donate Now' button to contribute.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 10,681

Target : MYR 15,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

“Living a minimally acceptable ethical life involves using a substantial part of our spare resources to make the world a better place. Living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good we can.” - Peter Singer Fundraisers like these, albeit aplenty, are born out of a necessity. While we might be tempted to donate to someone's trip to solo travel across the world or the charity page with the fanciest photos, the most underprivileged of the birth lottery go unnoticed by our epistemological shortcomings. One of these causes is IDEAS Academy, a learning centre for marginalised and vulnerable children based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Most of the students are refugees and stateless persons. It is one of a small number of schools in Malaysia which provides secondary school level education for refugee children. Due to the law, they do not have access to public schools.At IDEAS Academy, we believe in education for all, regardless of background, ethnicity or economic situation. A child should not be deprived an education simply because she is a refugee or stateless. We aim to give every child aged 12 to 18 years old in our care, an education which will open doors of opportunity for them. We believe that they can grow up to become responsible, confident and compassionate individuals who will help their families and communities.At the moment, our learning centre is facing hard times. We are running out of funds to keep our doors open. With 125 amazing students (and 60 more children on our waitlist), IDEAS Academy might actually be forced to close in August.We need at least RM 200,000 (or USD 50 000) to keep the lights on, pay rent and teachers' salaries, and provide food for the children until the end of December. Please help our learning centre survive this year by making a generous donation to our cause.Your donation would go a long way towards ensuring that these children will be able to have a safe environment for their education, and to be able to take their first steps towards fulfilling their ambitions of becoming doctors, teachers and productive members of society.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 2,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

A little girl walked into a classroom and smiled brightly upon seeing her friend, waving at her. She bounced over to her seat, unzipped her bag and pulled out a new story book she borrowed from the library yesterday. She did not know how to read yet, but the colourful images were thrilling. She showed it to her friend and they both gush happily over the book. They couldn’t wait for the teacher to explain what the words meant! But for now, they created their own story by looking at the fun images. As a child, I looked forward to school. That was where my friends were and we had a good time interacting with each other and learning. I cannot imagine myself removed from a learning environment and denied the rights to education by law or by circumstances but that is the reality for most refugee, undocumented and underprivileged children. Education helps shape the worldview and life of people. It presents opportunity, success and understanding of the world. Education has even developed to become more than just a need; it is now a currency. In a world where knowledge is the best skill you can offer, I believe that we must not exclude anyone from receiving education. Organizations like IDEAS Academy who knew the importance of education for children struggles to provide access and ensure that their need to learn is addressed. We cannot accept a world where education remains a privilege. We lose so much by allowing that to happen economy-wise, socially and culturally. It is time that we change and help those in need. Extend a hand and pull these children along with us. I believe that by helping them to receive education, the world would in turn receive responsible, compassionate and confident individuals with ideas for a better future!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Dear friends, refugees are not recognised in Malaysia, which also means that children categorized as refugees are not allowed to attend public schools. Without Education, they would fall into a huge hole and will not be able to face the careers they dream of. If you also believe that everyone has a right to education to make something of his/her life, would you make a small contribution? At this time, IDEAS Academy (a secondary school in the heart of Kuala Lumpur) has financial problems hopes to stay open, thanks to your support!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,874

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Every morning, I see children waiting for their school buses to pick them up, not having any second thoughts on how their lives would be if they were refugee children. I have taken all these for granted till I learned about the plight of refugee children in our country. Refugees have no legal status in Malaysia and are denied entry into the national education system. Imagine your child being unable to receive any form of education due to their background, wouldn't that be heartbreaking? At IDEAS Academy, refugee and stateless children are given a chance at learning. Unfortunately, IDEAS Academy is in desperate need of funds.  Being a Mommy, I know the importance of education on a child's success, so please don't deprive any children of that and donate to this cause that I truly care about.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,175

Target : MYR 8,888

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Dear friends,IDEAS Academy provides secondary education for marginalised children in Kuala Lumpur, including refugees, stateless and undocumented youths. Refugees have no legal status in Malaysia and are denied entry into the national education system. As a strong believer in education for all, the work of IDEAS Academy is very close to my heart. No child should be deprived of the opportunity to learn due to background, race and economic situation. However, IDEAS Academy is in dire need for funds. Due to insufficient funding, IDEAS Academy might be forced to shut its doors in August. They need at least RM 200,000 (or USD 50 000) to keep the lights on, pay rent and teachers' salaries, and provide food for the children until the end of December.Having previously volunteered my time as a teaching assistant in a similar learning centre, I have seen firsthand how education gives a sense of purpose to a child's life. Education is more than acquiring knowledge - it empowers people to develop personally and become positive contributors to the society. Your generous support can help these children receive the education they deserved. Thank you.More about IDEAS Academy:  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,973

Target : MYR 8,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

Every child in this world has the right to life, survival, and development in their maximum extent possible. We know that, but do we know how it feels to become a child that was denied to get those rights? Can we imagine being a refugee at the early age and see other children same like their age have the access to get and education while they can't? Do you know what is the worst thing that can happen to these children? They can be arrested and returned back to their origin of place which they cannot even survive in it. Why? Because they are considered as the illegal immigrant as Malaysia don't be a signatory to the UN Convention on Refugees. When these children are considered being the illegal immigrant, they have no access to government-funded schools in Malaysia. Their fundamental right was denied, which is the right of getting an education. Luckily, these children can still get the access to education at informal learning centers that were run by the UNHCR partnerships and one of the partnerships is the IDEAS Academy. IDEAS Academy is the learning center for marginalized and undocumented children from the age of 12 to 18 and it provides secondary school level system for them. IDEAS Academy always believes that these kids have the potential to change the world to become a better place and they key of making that happen is by giving them the education. By giving them the access to education, these children can grow up to become responsible, confident and compassionate persons that can bring positivity and changes to the community.However, IDEAS Academy is 100% depending on funding to provide education to these students and the Academy is currently facing hard times as they are running out of funds to keep the IDEAS Academy from closing their doors. And because of that, your donation is really meaningful for these children to have their education at the secure place. Your donation also can be a step that can drive these children to achieve their dreams to become successful person that can contribute back to the community.    

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Raised So Far : MYR 38

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Academy

As a lifelong supporter of universal education, I believe children born in unfortunate circumstances deserve an opportunity to learn as much as they can to make something of themselves in the future. After going through a comprehensive set of education systems, I found myself unable to justify the luck I had received, especially if I compared it to Rohingya children or those of a stateless background. I love knowledge, I love being educated, I love knowing that there are systems out there designed to help me achieve my dreams so long as I work hard. I want other children who are less fortunate to be able to say the same. Donate with me to IDEAS Academy. For a better future for all of us.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,594

Target : MYR 7,500