Personal Challenge

My Story

Hey guys and gals! I'm Su Yuen Hsiang a lover of foods of all kinds. I constantly seek out good food to indulge in and am especially fond of my meats. Steaks, crabs, prawns, bah kut teh, nasi lemak, curries and the like, rank among my favourite foods. As such, it is with great trepidation that I write this next part. For every RM100 collected through this page I will go 1 day without meat. That is right, I will go vegetarian for a day for every RM100 collected up to a maximum of 1 year (for my own sanity). The funds collected will be donated to UNICEF. This fund raiser will end on 31st December 2011 and I will commence being a vegetarian starting 2nd January 2012 up to a maximum of 1 year (365 days) based on the donations collected. So whatever the motivation, may it be to help children in need or just to get a kick out of watching me suffer through this, please dig into your pockets and give in support of UNICEF!

Recent Donors

  • Li Yee

    Yo! This is quite a good reason for us to donate, both to see u go vegan and also of course to Unicef. I hope lots donate too! :D

    MYR 100 08/15/2011 11:51:55 PM UTC

  • Kenny Wong

    Cant believe you will be vegetarian for this :D I support you bro :D haha..

    MYR 10 08/07/2011 06:16:34 PM UTC

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